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Delivering quality, without the waste!

On-demand Waterless Car Cleaning & Detailing in Adelaide.

How It Works

3 easy steps!

We service all of Adelaide 5-7 days a week!

cleaning schedule

Select your service

Choose your service option at your desired location from inside only, exterior only and inside & out cleans.

Choose a time

Enter a few basic details and confirm your booking at a time and date that suits you. Hit "book now" to get your confirmation email, then sit back and relax.

slot booked
Your cleaner comes to you

We arrive!

One of our friendly technicians will let you know when they are on the way. With hundreds of happy customers, join the waterless revolution and enjoy a shiny car at your convenience!

Saving you the time, stress and the mess.

As easy as dry cleaning, just for your car.

Spray On

Water based solution with nano-cleaning technology

Wipe off

for a perfect finish

Wheel scrub

to lift grime & brake dust

Finished with care

the WoWo way

Get a quality clean or detail, without the waste.

Mobile Car Detailing & Waterless Car Cleaning On-demand

Demand for eco-friendly and convenient car cleaning and detailing has led to the innovation of the waterless car wash services. Our approach uses a unique cleaning product that effectively emulsifies dirt and lifts it from the paint to be safely removed conserving any harsh chemicals or waste from entering our stormwater.

Waterless Car Cleaning

Frequently asked questions

How long does a standard wash take?

It is best to allow 1-2 hours depending on your selection. If you chose an external wash only, it will be done within 1 hour. If you chose an internal & external wash with extras we may require your vehicle for 2 hours.

How does waterless car washing work?

We use a high-quality, waterless solution containing nano-technology that safely lift dirt from your paint, lifting it off your car’s surface. We then wipe the car clean with a microfiber towel. Our scratch-free process conserves water with no chemical run-off.

Is waterless car washing safe for the car’s paint and finish?

Yes, when done correctly, waterless car washing is safe for the car’s paint and finish. Our products are specifically formulated to lift dirt and grime from the surface of the car without causing scratches or damage. Our purposely designed cleaning process not only is great for your paint, but leaves a better finish than most car wash services.

internal & external wash